To make this delicious frozen treat, you will need the following items:
- a Blender
- Frozen banana Slices
- Cinnamon
- Vanilla
- Cocoa Powder
- Ice Cubes
- Peanut Butter
- Milk(optional)

As stated above, I made two batches, so Reece could have his own dairy, peanut butter, and chocolate free ice cream! :) For the first batch, I had Conrad dump in the bananas(one and a half bananas per batch).

Next, I had Conrad sprinkle cinnamon over the top of the bananas. (I did have to stop him, because he was ready to dump the whole container in, He LOVES cinnamon! )

Next, I had Conrad add about a teaspoon of vanilla, and then we threw about five ice cubes in.
For Plain Cinnamon banana "ice cream", you are ready to blend. If you want to make the Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream, Continue with the next couple of steps! :)

Next, I had Conrad dump in three tablespoons of cocoa Powder. I thought this was the perfect amount, but you can adjust it to your liking.
And finally, two tablespoons of peanut butter. When all was added, I attempted to blend it together. The problem was, there wasn't enough liquid in the blender, and the bananas were still frozen, so I ended up adding a bit of water to the plain mixture, and about a tablespoon of milk to the chocolate mixture. Once that was finished, I blended it all together, until it was a creamy mixture, that had the look and texture of soft serve ice cream. Put the mixture into the freezer for a couple of hours, and when it is frozen, it is ready to Eat! :)

Here is what the plain Mixture should look like before you put it in the freezer.
Here is a picture of Reece enjoying his ice cream! :)
He wouldn't take it from his spoon, so I ended up putting it on his tray to eat/explore.
Here is the Chocolate Peanut butter version once it was blended.. because of the milk, this mixture was a little bit creamier.
This is the final result. As you can see, it looks like regular ice cream. The texture is pretty close to the ice cream you would buy in the store as well! I will most definitely be making this again during the summer! :)